Onderwerp: Looking for those left behind.

I am looking for ancestors who would have died in the 1700, 1800 or early 1900. They would have been in Friesland and Terschelling Island with the names of Plomp, Terpstra, De Graaf, De Vries, Vanderboom Koppedraajer, or Noteboom.
Do the records online go back that far? 
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
I will post english and a translated version as well.

Ik ben op zoek naar voorouders die zou zijn gestorven in de jaren 1700, 1800 of begin 1900. Ze zou zijn geweest in Friesland en Terschelling met de namen van Plomp, Terpstra, De Graaf, De Vries, Vanderboom Koppedraajer of Noteboom.
Online de records terug zo ver?
Hartelijk dank voor alle hulp die u kunt bieden.
Ik zal na Engels en een vertaalde versie.


Re: Looking for those left behind.

Hello Allen,

For Friesland (included Terschelling) click on

http://www.tresoar.nl/mmtresoar/index.j … n&tw=j

Via genealogy > search genealogy you can find people.
Set a finch for
geboorten = birth
Huwelijk = married
Overlijden = death
Dopen = babtized
Trouwen = married
Begraven = buried
Lidmaten = church member

Before 1811 much people did not have a name like as
Jan Plomp but had a name like Jan Pieters.
Pieter was his fathers name.
After 1811 people must have a familyname.

On graftombe you can search for your familly and if you
find one you can ask for a picture of the gravestone.
Comes with an Email to you, costs nothing.

I hope this will help you.
I learned English 50 years ago, is not more perfect.
